Singapore's E-commerce Status in 2019

Market size Singapore’s e-commerce market is expected to reach $5.4 billion (7.46 billion SGD) by 2025, according to the Singapore economy penetration analysis report. That is five times the industry’s value in 2016, and at the current rate of growth, these numbers seem easily achieva

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Sales Status and Expected Future of E-commerce in Canada

General information about CanadaPopulation: 36,953,765Number of Internet Users: 32,120,519Internet Penetration: 88.50%Mobile Phone Users: 25,556,000Mobile Phone Penetration: 80.80%Language Spoken: English, FrenchAccording to the International Monetary Fund, GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP

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Everything You Need to Know about E-commerce in UK

Growth markets According to the Office of National Statistics, online sales have grown for 35 consecutive months' year-on-year in the UK, with shoppers browsing for anything from groceries, to DIY products and clothing, all from their laptop, desktop or smartphone. In detail, the B2C e-commerce t

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eCommerce Status and Sales Potential in Morocco

General information about Morocco Population: 36,191,805 Number of Internet Users: 20,068,556 Internet Penetration: 57.60% Mobile Phone Users: 11,755,000 Mobile Phone Penetration: 33.40% Language Spoken: Arabic, Berber, French Because of the Africa’s highest Internet penetration rate, eCo

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Development status of e-commerce in Brazil

Size of Brazilian e-commerce market Brazil which is the world's fifth most populous country is the only Latin American country to rank among the world's top 10 e-commerce retail markets, and its number of active e-commerce users has increased by 76.36% in the past five years. According to the e

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What is the Best Advice for New Dropshippers to Make Profits?

Dropshipping can be categorized as a warmly welcomed business style because whoever can start from zero. Therefore, seek some best advice for new Dropshippers is really necessary. 1. Focus on Mastering Marketing Marketing is the money maker. For one thing, you need to spend time learning ho


E-commerce Status and Top 5 E-commerce Website in France

Size of French e-commerce market France is the third largest e-commerce market in the EU, ranking behind UK and Germany, and 6th in the world, behind US, China, Japan, UK, and Germany. In general, the French marketplace has high Internet penetration and it is relatively mature, but still full o

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What is Cash on Delivery(COD) and How Does it Work in Dropshipping?

Cash on delivery, also known as COD, is a method of payment for goods at the time of delivery rather than in advance. Besides, COD doesn't always mean cash as a payment, but certainly include transactions by cash, credit card, check, or any other electronic payment. It mainly depends upon the estab

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Top 8 Best T-shirt Dropshipping Suppliers for Your T-shirt Business

I T-shirt Dropshipping Industry As summer is coming, T-shirts become a necessary item in our closets for almost everyone, They are one of the most comfortable items available to us. We can customize them in a varied number of ways. It is a specific kind of commodity that a retailer will want to se

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10 Top-Selling Summer Products in 2019

Now that summer is upon us, it is the strange season that makes people love and also hate. Love is that we can take off the heavy clothes and get outside to enjoy swimming by the pool and get some cold beverage. Hate is also too much, such as the hot sunshine, high temperature and fat. But for

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Top 5 Aliexpress Alternative for Drop shipping in 2019

Most of the drop shippers starting drop shipping in an easy way -- Testing products on Aliexpress and placing orders on Aliexpress Via Oberlo. This is a good way of starting for sure. But when they are scaling up, there might be a lot of issues coming. Find out AliExpress VS CJdropshippi

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Top 10 Shoes for niches drop shipping from China and USA

A shoe is an item of footwear intended to protect and comfort the foot. Shoes are also used as an item of decoration and fashion. The design of shoes has varied enormously through time. Though we adapted to varied climate conditions, our foot still vulnerable to environmental hazards such as sh

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