

About Dropshipping


Weekly Q & A - Question Dropshippers Are Mostly Concerned about

Weekly Q & A - Question Dropshippers Are Mostly Concerned about
CJAug. 03, 2020 09:47:041074

The following are the most common questions we collected from our YouTube channel and their answers.


What people want to know about CJ platform

1. The first question is "Can anyone just started dropshipping use CJ platform?"


The answer is definitely yes, anyone can register as a CJ user for free, even you don't have a single order yet. No start fee, no monthly fee, our platform is open to everyone for free. And we are keeping on making the CJ platform easier to use. For new users registered after 9th July, we develop an intelligent guide-Alex to help newbies start with CJ Dropshopping step by step. Just follow the guidance, and you will set the basic features of CJ easily. For more advanced features, you can learn from the support center. And at the bottom of our homepage, you could explore more CJ services.





2. The second question about the CJ platform is "I have 200 products on my store, can I sync them with CJ?"


For how to connect products in your store with CJ, you can watch the tutorial video here, or watch a more detailed guide video from the intelligent guide.





3. The third question is about "How does CJ process multi-product orders?" For example, “If the customer buys from two different suppliers, how will it be in the same package?”


This is a big advantage of CJ Dropshipping over Aliexpress, we have our own warehouses to process orders, CJ staff will put products in one parcel for one order, so we will charge shipping fees for multi-product orders once on the parcel weight.







4. Next is a very common question for those new to CJ- “How to talk to a CJ agent?” or “How can I contact CJ?” 


Many new users don't know how to find the agent. It's very important to have an efficient communication with CJ agent, who will help you with the problems you meet when using the CJ platform, or with your orders.


See the chat icon on the left bottom? Hit it, then click this icon to talk to a human, after you enter this chat room once, you will get a private agent, you can find his/her contact information in your profile, you will see the name, skype, email and phone number.


Or you can submit a ticket to report the problem you meet, you will get 100% response. But you are advised to talk to your agent before submitting a ticket.


If you are not a CJ user and want to contact CJ for business collaboration or have any suggestions for us, please send an email to, we check every email.







Questions about shipping time and costs

The top concerning question for dropshippers is no doubt the shipping time nowadays.


I posted a blog on how to choose the best shipping method a week ago, in this blog, I shared the shipping times to different areas. I am going to keep on updating the information, you can mark our blog or follow our social media to get the notification in time.











Shipping costs are also highly concerned. We got a question like Are the normal costs back? Or are they still COVID prices?


The bad news is, the prices are still at a high level, and seem to last for months; the good news is, the price continues to fall since May. And now we offer a very competitive price of CJPacket, even cheaper than ePacket. You can check the shipping fee on the product page, or get an estimated fee via the Shipping Cost Calculation.







 Find more winning products on CJ Ddropshipping


