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Ebay Dropshipping Q&A - CJ Facebook Group Live Webinar with Akin Yilmaz

Ebay Dropshipping Q&A - CJ Facebook Group Live Webinar with Akin Yilmaz
CJApr. 01, 2021 07:13:512176

CJdropshipping had its third Facebook group live webinar on March 26th, 2021 with speaker Akin Yilmaz, the Founder & CEO of OKYANUSI, who is masted in eBay dropshipping and helped more than 10,000 students by sharing his experience and story. Zoey from CJ was the host of the event this time. The webinar was mainly focused on eBay dropshipping, including why should people start eBay dropshipping and eBay dropshipping Q&A. Akin shared much valuable information with the audiences and also answered a lot of related questions the audiences raised. Additionally, this article listed some meaningful Q&A, and hope they can help you with your dropshipping business.  


Watch the playback:


Q: How does eBay dropshipping work and how does it function?


A: If you are starting a new dropshipping business and if you don't know this business model well, it is really risky to start with a more saturated platform like Shopify. Because when you start with the saturated platform, you have to know how to run ads, you have to know how to find a winning product, you have to know how to drive traffic to your own store, and you also have to know how to create the store before you start. But eBay dropshipping is much easier. You can start your business on the same day you register. But it is a little bit complicated for Shopify. In my opinion, when you start with eBay, you don't have to have all the traffic. All you need to do is find a good supplier and winning products. For example, if you find a good and cheap product on CJ, then you are ready to sell because eBay will have its organic traffic.



Q: What's the difference between dropshipping in the marketplaces (e.g. eBay, Etsy, Amazon) and independent sites (e.g. Shopify, Woo-commerce)?


A: First of all, you should try both ways to see what is best for you. However, they do have many differences. There is more organic traffic coming from marketplaces because they are already well-known and many people directly search for the products they want on the platforms. But it is also hard to make your products shine among all other competitors. You might have to lower your price or pay the platform in order to let your customers see your products and attract them. There are also upsides and downsides for independent sites. You can use independent sites to create your own brands, especially with all the POD products. If I remember it right, CJ provides this service and POD products. They can put your logo or your own design on the products to create uniqueness and attract your customers. And you can also higher your prices because of the brand value. But it is harder to drive traffic to your independent sites. This means you need to spend much more on ads and marketing.



Q: How much money will people need to spend to start an eBay dropshipping store?


A: Absolutely nothing except the product costs at the beginning. Because when you just begin to sell on eBay, PayPal will hold your money from your customers for around one to two weeks. So you would have to pay for the products first before you get the money from your customers. PayPal will shorten the holding time after you have regular sales. And you can also spend some money on research that helps you to find winning products. And it is completely optional, you don't have to pay for the cost.




Q: How do we ensure that our listed products can remain at the top of the searching rankings or be seen by customers?


A: This is the secret of eBay. For example, if you are selling a pen in your store, make sure to search for it first. Type pen in eBay and see what comes first. Then you can take this title and use title builder to modify it in a better way. And make sure to include as many keywords as you can in those 80 characters to improve search results. You should put gray pen instead of pen if your pen is gray. The most important thing is to take people's attention. For example, free delivery, quick delivery are some good keywords to use. And use photos for your products to catch attention.



Q: What are the common mistakes people will make for eBay dropshipping?


A: Many people think dropshipping is easy money and they want to see the profits right away. That is a crucial problem. It takes time and even money to learn the business and this industry, and all that experiences are the keys to success. Another common problem is that eBay will ban your account if you list a lot of products from different retailers in your store. To avoid this, you can list some second-handed products from your home to your store, and let eBay know you are a real seller but not a bot or spam. And don't rush on your business because it is really easy to get banned from it.


For the complete live webinar, please check here.


Please join CJ's Facebook group for more free live training/webinars. The next live webinar will be held on April 12, 2021, at 9:30 AM (GMT+8, Beijing Time). It's totally free. Ethan Dobbins will be the mentor of this event. Ethan is an entrepreneur and an eCommerce expert. He is also proficient in teaching advertising. Zoey from CJdropshipping will be the question-master. Ethan will cover a quick start-up for Facebook ads and general advertising Q&A. And again, please join CJ's Facebook group first in order to attend the event. Hope to see you all!



