If the Metoo movement has played a significant role in raising the social and political status of women, another campaign may also represent the sharp rise of women-dominated business, that is e-commerce. The world of e-commerce is growing by the day, with new shops, technology, and innovations popping up all the time.
Sometimes the business world moves so fast that there’s little time to showcase all the fantastic things people are doing and to celebrate their unique visions and voices.
Main Consumers? E-commerce Giants!
Although women have long been the main force of consumption, (accounting for 80 percent of total spending), now things seem to be changed in e-commerce. Many women are now running their own businesses at home, and their business is even expanded around the world.

According to statistics, nearly a third of the female sellers on Etsy make e-commerce as their main business, so e-commerce is no longer a sideline for many women. According to the industry insiders, one of the reasons for women’s success in this field is that they encourage and support each other, and they also have unique skills that men do not have.
Significant Role of E-commerce in Female Sellers
E-commerce is growing at a very fast rate around the world and relying on new technologies and increasing social media penetration, it has increased opportunities for women sellers. The culture of a niche business is giving serious growth to e-commerce.

- E-commerce is one such industry that is making the world come closer by helping the buyer meet the sellers.
- The flexibility of it and technology lets women sellers conduct their business entirely on the internet. It has opened new vistas of opportunity for women sellers by helping them grow phenomenally by touching the boundaries in international markets.
- The e-commerce revolution has brought a great sense of financial independence along with creative satisfaction for women.
- The benefits of E-commerce for women are flexibility, working from home, no safety and family restriction issues can also partially work during maternity time.
- The constant growth of e-commerce globally has seen leading women players to venture into the market to stimulate growth and encourage the development of e-commerce platforms.
- The high penetration of internet and use of social media is also playing an influential role in driving their business by reducing barriers to work across boundaries and creating flexibility around their schedule by introducing virtual workplace and digital lifestyle.
Fundamental Experiences of Female Sellers in E-commerce

a. First, concentration. It’s easy to display 500 items on a site, but it’s difficult to focus on a specific area. Women sellers need to understand the languages, cultures, and customers of niche products.
b. Second, capability & vigor. Money is not a decisive factor in the success of a business. Use your time more effectively especially for small businesses that have smaller budgets and unique needs. For example, you need to be innovative about what you want to do or how to do it.
c. Third, cost-effectiveness. Choose better and cheaper ways in marketing, like social media, email marketing or online celebrity marketing.
Successful Stories of Female Sellers
1. Brooke Findley, Founder of the Organic Place
a. Reason -- Back in 2014, the youngest daughter, who was 3 months old at the time, had an allergic reaction to our Sunday morning bacon and eggs. Further tests revealed allergies to chicken, beef, and peanuts. After some research, she decided that whenever possible we would eat organic for the health of our family. The only problem was, there was nowhere to buy organic in the area of Melbourne where we lived in. She had three children under 4 at the time, so shopping wasn’t exactly fun anymore, and she would have much preferred the convenience of ordering online and having it delivered to the front door.

b. Result -- That’s when she had one of those lightbulb moments. “Surely, I can’t be the only Mum in the area who wants to eat organic but doesn’t have access to it” . So she decided to solve the problem and hopefully many other problems by starting an online, organic fruit and vegetable delivery service.
c. Advice from Brooke
Seek feedback, research the market. Solve the problem.
2. Kristy McPhillips, Designer & Founder of Sash & Belle
a. Reason -- Born from a desire to provide women with stylish, unique, and timeless handbags. The mundane life and hierarchy of public service had me searching for a creative outlet and designing stylish and functional handbags that would help busy women and moms be more organized in their everyday lives.

b. Result -- Sash & Belle offers a gorgeous range of stylish quality handbags, totes, clutch bags, wallets, and purses to suit every style and budget. Kristy now owns her own business, being her own boss, and facing the challenges and opportunities has been difficult, fun, and rewarding.
c. Advice from Kristy
Research, research, research, and then just do it. Start small and keep your day job so you minimize the financial stress on you and your family.
3. Emma Howchin, Founder of Rainbow Nymph
a. Reason — Essentially, it was thought out spontaneously. She wanted a new project to work on while traveling. She loves all things bright and colorful and used her international buying experience to source stock while on the road, and shipped it back to Australia ahead of her.

b. Result — She put her web development skills and stock together, outsourced where she was lacking, and Rainbow Nymph was founded.
c. Advice from Emma
Don’t limit your ideas because of what you can’t do. Sharing and collaboration will allow your good idea to grow into an awesome one and you’ll create a fan club of advocates for your brand along the way.
4. Erin Houston, Co-Founder & CEO of Wearwell
a. Reason — Her co-founder Emily Kenney and she came up with the idea for Wearwell because of a personal frustration they were both experiencing: the challenge of shopping for ethically or sustainably made clothing that fit our sense of style. For context, this was following the 2013 Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh that killed more than 1,100 people and injured more than 2,400.

b. Result — They knew they needed to solve a personal frustration, but they also want to create a business model that had the potential to motivate a shift toward sustainability in the larger fashion industry. So they spent two years prototyping and testing the ideas that would eventually evolve into Wearwell.
c. Advice from Erin
Start lean and small and just get something out into the world. See what comes back and understand whether you receive validation or need to pivot. We believe the most successful businesses are those that constantly iterate along the way, so even though that first step may not match up to the grandeur you have in mind, you’ll be more successful in the long run.
Above are just a part among many successful female sellers. Now they are not only the main consumers but also the e-commerce giants. Minimum investments, ease of working from remote areas, global reach and the empowerment that comes in from financial independence are the primary reasons for the emergence of an online marketplace as the favorable platform for women sellers in such an era of upgrading brands and products. We could firmly believe that an increasing number of female sellers can also make a difference in the field of e-commerce.
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