



Google Comes up a New Crackdown Policy? What is eBay’s Best Offer Function? | Dropshipping News Weekly Updates

Google Comes up a New Crackdown Policy? What is eBay’s Best Offer Function? | Dropshipping News Weekly Updates
CJAug. 12, 2021 08:34:291307

Dropshipping News Weekly Update Vol.11


Here are five pieces of dropshipping news for you to catch up with.



1. eBay plans to update bargaining functions - Best Offer


To improve the efficiency of sellers' order transactions, eBay announced that it is studying a new bargaining function, which is expected to be launched before the end of 2021. This function enables the seller 48 hours to decide whether to accept a buys’ bargain. If the seller sets the upper and lower limits of acceptance in the listing, eBay will automatically decide whether to accept or reject the bargain according to the settings.



2. Google Advertising will implement a new crackdown policy in September


On August 3, Google announced that it would ruthlessly crack down on multiple violations of advertising policies from September, and adopt a three-strike-out policy for violations. Google will start the crackdown with the following aspects: encouraging dishonest behavior; promoting unapproved items, related products such as guns and gun parts, explosives, other weapons, and tobacco. The new execution plan applies to all companies that use Google advertising.

It is reported that the advertiser will only receive a warning for the first violation of the policy. If the violation continues, the advertiser will receive a "first strike" warning, and a 3-day account detain; for the next violation, the advertising account will be detained for 7 days; and for the third violation, the account will be directly closed.



3. eBay plans to enter Mexico, its largest Latin American market


According to reports, eBay plans to enter Mexico, which is its largest Latin American market. This move will create more jobs in Mexico. In 2020, Latin America became the fastest growing e-commerce region in the world. At the same time, Mexico has become the fourth fastest-growing e-commerce market in the world with a growth rate of 62%. This makes Mexico a preferred choice for eBay’s Latin American market deployment strategy. It is estimated that Mexico will occupy 27% of the Latin American market in 2021, about $35 billion, second only to Brazil.



4. US companies call for import tariffs cut


According to the report, a few days ago, representatives of nearly 36 most influential business organizations such as US retailers, chip manufacturers, and farmers wrote letters to Trade Representative Dai Qi and Treasury Secretary Yellen, calling on the Biden government to restart negotiations with China and to cut import tariffs, so as not to drag down the US economy.


The letter stated that China has met the “important benchmarks and commitments” in the first phase of the 2020 trade agreement, including opening the market to US financial institutions and reducing some of the US regulatory obstacles to China’s agricultural exports. When the US government formulates policies, it should also give priority to the interests of domestic workers and eliminate tariffs that have increased costs and harmed the interests of the United States.



5. TikTok and Shopify relationship agreement extended to the Middle East


According to the reports, this cooperation will make it easier for Shopify merchants to use the TikTok community. Merchants will be benefited from the core functions of TikTok For Business Ads Manager through Shopify.


Shant Oknayan, TikTok's general manager in the Middle East, Africa, Turkey, and Pakistan, said that the cooperation between TikTok and Shopify in the Middle East would provide merchants with a unique platform to engage and connect with customers in a participatory and creative way.



