



Sell Your Shopify Store for Cash Today!

Sell Your Shopify Store for Cash Today!
CJJul. 16, 2024 07:57:387224

Hey Shopify sellers! If you think the only way to make money with your online shop is to get orders from shoppers, then read this blog about earning by selling Shopify stores! 


Selling ready & healthy stores is a smart way to turn your excess costs of online business into immediate profit.


Whether your store is generating substantial revenue or operating on a smaller scale, CJ will provide a seamless process that makes selling simple and secure for you both.


Ready to explore how selling your Shopify store can be a profitable and hassle-free experience? Get a free valuation today and discover the potential value of your store!



How Do I Know If I Can Sell My Store?


It's simple! We have four requirements to sell a store:


1. It must be at least 4 months old.


2. It must be profitable.


3. It must be active (no dead stores).


4. The total revenue must exceed $20,000.


5. No stores rely on PayPal and Klarna as primary payment processors.


If your store uses PayPal, that’s fine, but only if less than 20% of the total revenue comes from PayPal. We can't sell stores that use PayPal and Klarna as the main processors.



What Is the Process of Selling a Store?


Our process is straightforward, consisting of four easy steps that we manage entirely:


1. Book a Call: During this call, we will discuss your store details. We will review all the numbers and provide you with a cash valuation on the spot.


2. Agreed Price, Buyer Search: Once we agree on a price, we will find a buyer. With access to 700,000 vetted buyers and a total buyer fund of $2.1 billion, this step is streamlined and efficient.


3. Buyer Found, Time to Sell: After finding a buyer at the agreed valuation, we will use to facilitate the transaction, ensuring a safe sale process between the buyer and us.


4. Pay Day!: Once the transfer is complete, Escrow will release the funds into your chosen bank account. You will be paid directly by, and our commission will be deducted simultaneously. This means you don’t need to worry about sending our commission separately.



Is This Real? What Stores Have You Sold in the Past?


Yes, it’s real. Some of the biggest and most well-known dropshipping stores, including,, and are once sold in this way!


Don’t worry, except for selling massive stores, we’ve successfully sold countless stores in the $20,000-$100,000 price range.


Get Your Free Store Valuation Today!


Now that you know the details, why not value your store for free today? Contact us online now and we’ll show you how much we can sell your store for!



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All-in-one dropshipping solution provider: product supplies, global logistics, free sourcing, POD, video shooting, and other dropshipping-related services.




