



Top 10 Countries Use Cash On Delivery Service (COD)

Top 10 Countries Use Cash On Delivery Service (COD)
CJNov. 23, 2019 07:57:0914475

While the world is shifting to cashless payments, there are still plenty of places where people prefer to pay cash when their orders are delivered. Let’s take a look at the top 10 countries where cash on delivery (COD) is still a popular choice.


1. Thailand


Even though most Thai people have begun to change to use cashless payment, there are also so many that still use cash as the main payment for everyday life.


The products they buy online are handmade goods, products from China, and IT products. The most popular online shopping websites are social media like Facebook and Instagram, and marketplaces like Shopee and Lazada.


2. Mexico


Cash is a king in Mexico. Mexican people like to use cash. So, cash on delivery is used unsurprisingly.


The best-selling products in Mexico are fashion accessories, video game equipment, and furniture. They explore products online in Mercado Libre, Amazon, and


3. Indonesia


As a neighbor of Thailand, their payment behavior is quite the same. COD is a go-to option, especially for online shopping.


They spend mostly on clothes and accessories, personal care, and cosmetics. The popular online applications are OLX Indonesia by Tokobagus, Lazada, and Tokopedia.


4. Germany


There are 50.71 million eCommerce users in Germany, with an additional 2.91 million users expected to be shopping online by 2021. It's surprising that cash payment is still in high demand in Germany. Germany holds Europe's highest rate of invoice transactions—meaning customers only pay for goods once they decide what to keep after delivery.


That makes it easier to abort a purchase and return the product before any money changes hands. I reckon this is the main reason why COD service is still popular in Germany.

Top German selling products are books, shoes, and women's clothing. eBay and Idealo are the most favoured shopping channel

5. Greece

According to the research of Greece Daily, Greece is the highest cash-use country in Europe, about 57% of the population use cash only.


Rather than shopping in cash, Greeks would like to use cash to pay monthly debts, such as water bills, rent, or even taxes.

Greeks consume a lot of Clothing, digital devices, and toys., BestPrice.g, and are the most preferred online shopping websites. 




6. Hungary


In the Intrum 2019 annual report, over 50% of Hungarians use cash daily, 15% over the average rate of those in  Europe.


Only 20% of people are holding a credit card. It’s not difficult to see cash on delivery is still on the trend in Hungry. Ebay, Alibaba, and Amazon are the three main platforms for online shopping, daily necessities, and digital products are always in great demand.


7. Russia


E-commerce in Russia is at a dramatic growth rate. The Ecommerce Foundation reports that 47% of Russians choose to shop online.


Even though every Russian holds more than one bank card, they never consider giving up cash. It shows that 35% of online shoppers prefer cash-on-delivery services.


The top 3 online shopping niches are cosmetics, electronic appliances, and accessories. The top 3 online shopping platforms are Aliexpress, Orzon and Eldorado.


8. Spain


There are currently 24.77 million eCommerce users in Spain. They spend $776.66 online annually. In 2022, an expected 30.50 million Spanish online shoppers will spend approximately $894.07. In fact, 87% of Spanish keep the habit of using cash ( European Central Bank).


This figure is even higher according to another investigation agency Sounding Channel, about 91%.  MiBolsillo Eduardo Cobas, CEO of Aproser, has explained that the Spanish think cash payment is more secure to use and it helps control the daily spending as well. In terms of popular online shopping, Amazon, EI Corte Ingles and Carrefour must be on the list.


Clothes, shoes, and daily necessities are the main online shopping targets in Spain. 


9. Turkey


Currently, eCommerce users in Turkey reach 31.39 million, with an additional 6.72 million users expected to be shopping online by 2021.


Both cash and cards are accepted by online consumers. The most favorable online shopping websites in Turkey are Hepsibusada, N11, and Breshka. Shoes, clothing, and electronic devices rank at the top of hot-selling categories. 



10. United Arab Emirates

As SAMA( 9th, Sep 2019) has announced that the UAE government has launched attractive policies to encourage people to use online payment, while still 73% of consumers choose to use cash instead.


People would like to buy health supplements, cosmetics, and fragrances from Souq, Awok, and Jollychic.




