



Notice for the Swedish customs levy VAT

Notice for the Swedish customs levy VAT
CJFeb. 24, 2018 08:51:133278

In recent years, the development of e-commerce is more and more rapid, so it improves and reforms customs policies by various countries.


Today, we get the correct information, Online shoppers in Sweden will now need to pay VAT on all items purchased from outside the EU.


Swedish Customs called a meeting with postal service Postnord after it emerged that the state could be losing out on billions of kronor because of consumers not paying VAT on goods bought from Chinese online shopping sites such as Wish and Alibaba.


It said that unclear rules meant the customs agency and Postnord had different interpretations of legislation, with the latter handing out parcels from countries outside the EU and worth less than 22 euros to recipients without asking them to pay VAT on the goods.



Swedish Customs has now requested that Postnord plug the loophole, writing in a statement that VAT will be charged “from the first krona of the value of all goods”.


As a result, said Postnord, it will also charge an administration fee which means that anyone buying goods from China or another non-EU country will be charged both VAT and the added fee.

PostNord will also charge an administration fee per package and the buyer will pay both VAT and administration fee even if the product only costs 10 kronor (€1 or $1.20 USD) – like items from popular Chinese websites AliExpress and Wish.


When asked if the fee will be 125 kronor (€12 or $15 USD), the current administration fee PostNord charges on VAT and customs duty collection, the company said a decision had not been made.


According to Backteman, delivery times will also be affected due to PostNord’s new policy.


Now, we get the notification from Sweden Post.



As of March 1, 2018, the Swedish Customs will impose VAT on all non-EU origin e-commerce items (including mail). It will not distinguish value, and VAT will be collected from the recipient, The Swedish VAT rate is generally 25%, the value of the goods is less than 150 euros, Sweden Post will charge the service fee of 7.5 euros, more than 150 euros, the service charge will be 12.5 euros.


In order to avoid the recipient refuse to pay VAT, many parcels return to us, we hope you can pay attention to this notice, thank you.



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