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Reasons & Resolutions of 10 Ways That Social Media Contents Annoying Customers

Reasons & Resolutions of 10 Ways That Social Media Contents Annoying Customers
CJJul. 02, 2019 09:11:122870

Social media can be an absolute boon for Dropshippers business and brand. Want to keep your social media audience happy and engaged? Want your social media presence to be commendable as opposed to cringe-worthy?


There are some very common social media mistakes that business owners make which are not only annoying to consumers; they can and do actually drive customers away from your brand.


High-quality social media contents are crucial for successful social media marketing, therefore, so it's important for marketers to identify what customers like and what they dislike. Recently, Adobe conducted a new study of 1,000 us consumers, which content that really annoys them most.


10 ways that social media contents annoying customers



1. 39% of consumers are annoyed by content that's too wordy or poorly written


Reason: Human beings are fallible, so grammatical errors are inevitable as far as rich contents are concerned. Please keep in mind that content is too long or poorly edited can be a bad experience for consumers, which will prevent them from reading and accessing more information.


Resolution: It is best to use clear, concise and accurate words. Once the edited content finished, review again to ensure quality. We don't have to be perfect when it comes to content editing, but we do have to keep in mind that consumers want easy to understand and digest content.  


2. 28% of consumers are annoyed by content that’s poorly designed


Reason: The goal of content created is to turn your social media target audiences into your real customers. If your content and design are unattractive, your efforts won't pay off.


Resolution: As visual content dominated in social media, wherever possible, make sure everything in the content is visually appealing. If you are not good at creative design, turn to other members in your team for help, or search for design templates from online graphic design software platforms (such as Canva).



3. The majority of consumers are annoyed by content that is too personalized or even weird


Reason: Personalization will surprise consumers, but excessive personalization will only make people feel weird. As shown in the chart above, as many as 82% of customers would stop purchasing from a brand if it crossed the lined with a creepy personalized experience.


Resolution: The key to not disappointing consumers is to put yourself in their shoes and put the content to the customers' situation, but at the same time, not be too personalized and make them feel weird.


4. 23% of consumers are annoyed by content that has been seen before, or outdated


Reason: Brands in every industry are constantly publishing contents, trying to achieve the same goal. But the fact is, the writing is outweighing that creating with the fierce market competition. Be careful with this - the more a consumer sees a concept, the less impact it'll have. If your brand is the 3rd or 4th to have shared the same piece of content, it looks lame and of lesser value.

Resolution: Add your own ideas/opinions to freshen content up.




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5. Consumers are often annoyed by content that is irrelevant to them


Reason: Consumers are pleased about contents which are related to their specific problems or personal situations, otherwise it may reduce loyalty and affection to the brand, or even discourage customers from purchasing.

Resolution: It's important to keep the target consumer in mind when editing contents so that everything you post appeals to them in some way. Relevance & coherence of your content will position your brand as a resource for consumers. Only when your content is relevant to consumers will consumers pay attention to your brand.



6. 21% of consumers are annoyed by content that isn't optimized for their device


Reason: Screen sizes can vary widely from different devices.

Resolution: Considering that most social media users are accustomed to using mobile devices, marketers should try their best to provide content optimized for mobile devices, so as to bring better reading experience to social media users and achieve more transformation.


7. 17% of consumers are annoyed by content without video or images


Reason: While people still enjoy reading nowadays, customers prefer video & interesting pictures than plain text.

Resolution: Every social media platform tends to use images & videos to a greater extent, images & videos are strongly recommended for better illustration.


8. 16% of consumers are annoyed by content of the already purchased items


Reason: How frustrating it is to receive coupon content after purchasing?

Resolution: Save yourself some trouble, and be considerate of what kind of content you serve to both customers and those who haven't become a customer yet. You have much more control over this through social advertising. From a content strategy perspective, consider it a best practice to avoid publishing redundant promotions to people who've already converted, and can't utilize them.



9. Customers may be annoyed if you ignoring criticism


Reason: You are going to receive negative feedback or criticism in the public forum of social media at some point, no matter how great you are. It may be deserved, it may be constructive criticism, venting, requesting customer service to solve an issue, or from someone who simply likes to complain (many people do!).


Resolution: Please do not ignore negative feedback and always respond calmly, concisely, and offer to take the issue to a private forum such as a phone call, email, or direct message. Be polite and non-reactive–you need to be proactive, even in the face of negativity that is completely undeserved.



10. Customers may be annoyed if you posting untruths


Reason: Authenticity is key to keeping and building your customers and follower numbers on social media. Posting or sharing content that is blatantly untrue or later proven to be a hoax will not stand you in good stead.


Resolution: Check before you share that what you are sharing is true. Check your facts and never knowingly spread false information. If you do share or post content you later learn is incorrect, delete the post and apologize for your human error.


Social media works for branding and business marketing precisely because it differs so greatly from traditional marketing and advertising. Consumers look for deeper connections with the brands they choose and when you do social media marketing properly, first and foremost, being yourself and considering your customers.


Last but not least, work mindfully to make sure avoiding the above common mistakes and you'll minimize the risk of annoying your social media customers. After all, if they don't like your content, they'll be far less likely to buy from you. You avoid the above mentioned social media mistakes.



Start your business with CJdropshipping


All-in-one dropshipping solution provider: product supplies, global logistics, free sourcing, POD, video shooting, and other dropshipping-related services.



