



What is a Shipping Method?

What is a Shipping Method?
CJAug. 01, 2017 07:55:24739

shipping method is a way to fulfill delivery to customers of the goods that they purchased on a Web site. Commerce Server 2007 supports three types of shipping methods:


· Charge by subtotal. Use this method to determine shipping charges by the subtotal amount of an order.

· Charge by quantity. Use this method to determine shipping charges by the number of items in an order. You use this method to specify the charges for either an exact number or a range of item quantities.

· Charge by weight. Use this method to determine shipping charges based on the weight of an order. You use this method to specify the charges for a range of weights.


To charge by weight, all products in your catalog must have the product property "weight." If you have products that do not have "weight" as a property, this option will not function correctly on your Web site. Note the following requirements:


· Before customers can place orders on the Web site, you must have at least one shipping method available.

· If you need additional shipping methods, or if you use a delivery service, such as UPS or DHL, that offers a third-party application, contact your site developer for help.


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